Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blog #6

Dun dun duuuuun.. 

Final chapters of The Catcher in the Rye!! Let's get this show on the road!

Chapter 24 
Mr. Antolini seems like a swell guy but maybe a bit too swell. He is a heavy drinker for a teacher, and let's Holden, who's underage, have a smoke too. This chapter reminds me of two friends engaging in small talk, occasionally joking around. Mr. Antolini jokes that he'll show him the door if he failed English when he really only failed Oral Expression (DIGRESSION!). Mr. Antolini also helps Holden a lot like his first teacher, offering him advice and what not. A little disturbing is when Holden wakes up in the middle of the night just placing his hand on his forehead. Creepy dude. 

Chapter 25 
He slept in the subway is what Holden did after he left Mr. Antolini's. In the subway is when he makes this crazy scheme, he decides to ditch school altogether and go out West to test his luck. That is such a bad idea on so many levels. Let's bring in one of John Steinbeck's books, Of Mice and Men, for a quick comparison. Mice was a tragedy and so is Holden's plan to go West. Even more so when Phoebe wants to tag along on his crazy plan. However, he changed his mind. Good call Holden

Chapter 26
Nothing much to say here but he does offer a little advice. That we shouldn't really tell anyone anything, or else we'll start missing everyone.

All in all, The Catcher in the Rye, was a pleasant reading experience. And I'm looking forward to the next book on the list, On Writing by Stephen King. 

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