Monday, July 9, 2012

Blog #4

Now with 100% moar confusion!!

These next few chapters offer some insight into the life of our rebellious teenage hero, Holden, from the book The Catcher in the Rye. It also gives me some insight about his character too.

Chapter 13
So after running into a friend of his brothers, he decides to walk a beautiful 41 blocks all the way back to the hotel. Now what would he walk that many city blocks in the freezing cold? He didn't want to take a cab since he "didn't feel like getting in and out of another taxicab" (88). Holden, despite being so tough, at the same time is not so tough. Makes sense? He describes himself as being "yellow" or just being a wimp. That seems the case when he's offered a prostitute by this shady looking elevator guy. Well the girl does come by but since, you know he's a yellow belly, they didn't do it.

Chapter 14
And our hero gets jumped by the creepy elevator man and the weird blonde prostitute. Holden then proceeds to get beaten up and does nothing but call him a moron. I felt bad for him in this chapter because he was being 100% honest!!

Chapter 15
A dandy little date between Holden and a girl named Sally on a Sunday. Holden then has a conversation between himself and some nuns about Romeo & Juliet. A conversation with Catholic nuns is something that I wouldn't expect, since Holden himself is atheist. He even gave the nuns some money which they refused. Maybe Holden isn't such a rebel after all.

Chapter 16
Holden now is buying tickets for his date to a show named "I Know My Love." He then goes on to rant about how he hates actors and they're acting and how they don't act like people. I'll ask the question once again,why does he always like to hate on people who have some talent that he doesn't have? 

Chapter 17
Later on, Holden says something rather...rhetorical. Holden suggests that you can tell a true lie. I felt like I got Inception'd when I saw that passage. So Holden in my eyes, makes absolutely no sense in his logic. For instance, he says that they should just run away and steal someones car just to live off $180 in a cabin!! To top it off, Sally says something that is very truthful about Holden. Holden does indeed jump from one subject to the next. I mean just look at the sequence of events in the book. 

Chapter 18
After the argument with Sally, Holden is somewhat in the dumps. So he begins talking about girls and how they think. Saying it makes absolutely no sense. And for once, I agree, but it kinda works both ways. Holden also imparts on us another piece of of his divine logic. That all kindhearted people are actually evil on the inside. He seems rather close minded in his observations. 

I don't know how to end this post so here is a Kirby with awkward eyes >(*-*)>

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