Friday, July 13, 2012

Blog #5

A quarter of the way there!!

Now i just have reached the last chapters of J.D Salinger's book, The Catcher in the Rye! The book was a fun and interesting to read from other books I had read so far. The style is was written was very different from other books assigned to us in school. I'm glad that I actually got the chance to read this because I probably wouldn't read it under normal circumstances.

And I would like to delve further into the book by discussing the few remaining chapters (19-22).

Chapter 19
Good old Holden Caulfield decides to hang out in the Wicker Bar with someone named Luce. Luce seems like a stalker in his spare time, since he knows who is and who isn't a "flit". What kind of a guy is old Luce? We do know that he is rather intelligent but also seems to have this high social life. Holden also doesn't like intelligent people because they can't hold intelligent conversations. Perhaps because intelligent people know more and aren't interested in talking about it much? But most likely depends on the personality. 

Chapter 20 
This chapter reminds me of that time when my friend decided to fake that he was a mute/deaf and decided to trick people with it. Holden is drunk and pretends that he has a bullet wound in his stomach. He is drunk out in the cold and decides to sit on a radiator. But aren't radiators bad to be near? Kind of like standing near a sewer grate, sure it's warm but it can be fatal for your health. Also fatal to your health is the fact that he can get some disease in that type of weather. Like pneumonia, what Holden said he could get. He also doesn't seem to like his family, in a flashback of Allie's funeral. He doesn't like a lot of things does he.

Chapter 21
Holden is pulling a Splinter Cell by going home before Wednesday just to see Phoebe, his little sister. Now what is he up too going to Phoebe? Going to give her the broken shards of the record disc he bought her (which he does give by the way)? But before he even wakes her up, Holden goes through one of her notebooks. Apparently she changes her middle name quite often, since she doesn't like hers already. Which is Josephine, by the way. So she wakes up and all and finds out pretty quick that Holden got kicked out of school. Oh my she is really smart and quick-witted for such a young child.

Chapter 22-23
Looking at the next page I see a long rant from Holden. The rant is about how he hates all the people in Pency and how the faculty sucked too. Then they try to guess something that Holden actually LIKES since he hates everything so much. Holden couldn't concentrate so well so he began talking about this James Castle guy. That's the thing about him, he can't sit still on one subject for too long. He'll tell you one story then he'll jump to this other one about this one acorn that fell from the sky. Well anyways, they fail to mention anything that he actually likes when his parents walk in the house. Holden somehow makes it to the front door and escapes. Ninja man.

Though why did he go home. Seriously.

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