Saturday, July 7, 2012

Blog #3

With a side of teenage angst. 

I have returned with my daily dose of J.D. Salinger's book, The Catcher in the Rye. As I continue reading this book, the "story" gets more bizarre as you continue. It begins to make almost no sense to me and I stopped trying to look for any conventional plot.

These chapters (8-12) focus on the events of Holden's departure from Pencey.

Chapter 8
Holden gets on this train right? After a while this older women sits down next to him. Turns out she's the mom of this dude he totally hates, named Ernest Morrow. So Holden just starts lying to her so maybe he can impress her on her son or something. Perhaps he lied to her for his own entertainment? Now, why would you lie to the mother of some dude that you hate? Let alone say you have a brain tumor. I suppose Holden just had the hots for old Mrs. Morrow.

Chapter 9
First thing I noticed about this was the Edmont Hotel. I would HATE to stay one night in that place. The place was just filled with all sorts of strange people, for the time. A man who crossdressed and then this couple was doing god knows what to each other. Disturbing stuff man. And yet he was INTERESTED by all of this happening! But I think after seeing that gross couple, he decided to hook up with this chick named Jane because he was having a case of the turn-ons. In my opinion, the city at night was holed up all under one roof.

Chapter 10
He decides to go the Lavender Room, some sort of bar, for no apparent reason. Then he tries to hit on these three ladies, mostly the blonde one in the middle of the group, since she was the most decent looking (that's what he says, seriously.) He gets more pissed off the more he tries to hit on her since she acts like a queen. Well then, why would even bother with someone like her in the first place? In the end they all just left anyway, so I don't know what was going through his head.

Chapter 11
I dub this the shortest chapter of all time, being only a measly five pages. Holden goes back to thinking about Jane after those doorknobs left him with the bill. He goes on to tell us more about her messed up past, Is she relevant in anyway at all, why are we discussing her? Holden must have some hidden crush on her if he's remembering an important event he had with her.

Chapter 12
So after his flashback, he gets into a cab that smells like old cookies and strikes a conversation with the driver named Horowitz. He just happens to be a very impatient and sensitive guy. He gets pissed at everything Holden says to him, like seriously, he gets pissed off about the fish in the lake. Holden then gets dropped off at old Ernie's. Here he gets pissed off at everything little thing, the people, Ernie, everyone and everything. Holden seems to get pissed off at anyone better than him, thus providing me more evidence that he has an ego the size of the Minecraft world.

Such a short blog post... well then, I'll return soon with another observation on the book, The Catcher in the Rye.

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