Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blog #21

Comparing and contrasting The Crucible. 

The movie stays true to Miller's original play but with some slight differentiation, notably the beginning and the end. They added an additional scene showing the girls and Tituba dancing around the fire. Also Parris seems to be more violent and short tempered in character if compared to the book. The pace of the movie itself is different than the book. Some dialogue being added in or revised for the movie. Additional scenes were added to bring some sort of life to the play. For instance like the meeting between John Proctor and Abigail that never happened in the play. Act II is strictly accurate with a few dialogue revisions. Act III just has one minor difference. Which is when the girls don't run into the lake at the end.  

The ending scene is also different from the play. Notable differences are Abigail's visit to Proctor in prison. The fact that Elizabeth and Proctor talk outside of jail and not inside. And finally the execution scene. I must say that the Crucible is a good read and movie that I suggest anyone to watch. It captures the chaos and hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials. The play was also written in conjunction to the Cold Warm where the  U.S government were trying to root out Communist "spies" in the country. The search runs parallel with the witch-hunts. 

The Cold War, in reality, is just a modern Salem Witch Trial on a grand scale. 

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