Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 1 of AP Reading and a Tiny Introduction of Myself

And the book that I was reading today was the Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger. 

This is pretty late to be starting a blog but as they say "Better late than never" and I would prefer to start off like how my Honors teacher, Ms. Allen, started off her class: By introducing myself.

HI! I'm Timothy Nagtalon and this is my dandy little blog. I am actually new to this stuff and I'm just pretending that I'm writing down a response on a forum to make writing easier for myself. I have made criticisms every now and then where I point out moments in movies or books that make no sense, for example the "magic goo" from the new movie 'Prometheus' (which I recommend watching.) A sad thing I noticed about myself is that even though I like to read, I just choose not to read. I believe this is because I find books too "boring" and would rather watch pointless but entertaining videos of cats. So the only time when I read is from the summer assignments. Another thing about me is that I HAVE to use proper grammar in all of my writing assignments and when someone else uses incorrect grammar, it annoys me and makes me want to flip a table.

And also to be honest, I've never taken a formal interest in writing or literature, so I hope to change that as the year goes by.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy a newbies blog for your pleasure.

Hey! Hey look! - (I'll be using page breaks so you won't have to read the Great Wall of China. Also it looks nicer!)

I heard a lot about this book from my peers who had either read the book for their enjoyment or had taken AP Language (like me!) so my curiosity had been sparked when I saw this book on the required reading list. I have no idea what this book is about as no one has ever explained it to me (beyond saying, "It's a good book) and I don't want to spoil it for myself by researching it on websites like Wikipedia, for example. When I finally gotten the book I didn't know what to expect and would like to say I'm pleasantly surprised with it so far. The writing style is not quite what I would expect it to be. Like as if the character is having a one-on-one conversation with you,with a non-formal tone, instead of books being written with a formal tone to them. The language is also something I wouldn't expect from a summer reading assignment. I caught instances of mild profanity in the pages and actually makes the book more interesting to read. It also seems to imply that the main character is having some internal problems, probably hinted by his conversation with his professor. 

Well that's it for now folks!! I"m looking forward to the rest of this assignment.